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1986 Donruss

# Var. Name Details Search
NNO a Checklist 27-130, 45 is Beane
NNO b Checklist 27-130, 45 is Habyan
33 a Galarraga, Andres Accent mark over "e" on back
33 b Galarraga, Andres No accent mark
254 a Palmer, David 2B on front
254 b Palmer, David P on front
260 a Tudor, John .18 games in 1981
260 b Tudor, John 18 games in 1981
306 a Redus, Gary .20 2B in 1983
306 b Redus, Gary 20 2B in 1983
364 a Davis, Ron " May."
364 b Davis, Ron "...relievers (9)."
567 a Youngblood, Joel P on front
567 b Youngblood, Joel IF on front
609 a Seaver, Tom Green stripes around name
609 b Seaver, Tom Yellow stripes around name

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